College is a crazy time. You usually end up doing a lot of shit that your parents tried to shelter you from for most of your life. From my experience, I witnessed a ton of girls experimenting with their sexuality which was always a great addition to the parties I attended. It made for some really fun threesomes and orgies. Or sometimes I even got to just watch a couple of girls fuck each other while I would jerk off in the corner. Man, I miss college.
But just because college days are over doesn’t mean that my sexual fun with college babes has to be over. In fact, ever since I added a subscription to College Rules to my porn membership portfolio, I’ve never been more sexually satisfied. And I’m going to pass an amazing opportunity along to you just for dropping by the blog today. Click here to snatch up this yummy 75% off discount to College Rules. You’re going to have a constant boner but you know how to take care of that problem, right?